A tragedy of stampeding at Koh Pich

Despite the joy of the Cambodian during the three-day Water festival, the shock and panic took every Cambodian people that over 350 were found dead upon the stampeding at Pich bridge in the last night of the celebration, which I think the officials should be blamed the most for the incidence caused by their neglect as well as the poor first-aid assisting. In fact, this bridge serves for only the exit of those who have been to Koh Pich, but in such an occasion, the police officials allowed people to pass either in or out. As always, those officers do not care much about the potential troubles ahead, and what they do is just to solve the problems, which eventually on the very late of the festival, there came a terribly uncontrollable matter of pedestrian jostling. Actually, they should have been able to manage the traffic more carefully and precisely by avoiding opposite direction on the Pich bridge and making the way for emergency available at all circumstances. I believe that if the bridge had served for the purpose of the exit alone, no matter how many people were on, there must not have been such serious problem happened. Worse, because of the poor first-aid assisting, the light injured people became heavy and the heavy injured ones unconscious and dead. However, I am optimistic that if there had been, say, fifty qualified assistants right at the site, the figure of deaths as well as injuries would have been less. In conclusion, it can be observed that the neglect and the poor first-aid assisting of the officials are truly the root causes of the tragedy.

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