Differences between lecturers and students

Despite of sharing a few things in common between IFL students and IFL lecturers, they desperately differ from each other in several ways, which apparently distinguish the two.
The first big difference is the financial security. In this aspect, IFL lecturers seem to be much more independent in consuming their hard-take-in pocket money, yet they have to be economical in all areas of their lives, and have to save most of the income for the future expenditure. Nevertheless, the meal for themselves, the meal for vehicles and even the meal for any wedding-invitation pocket all require a hefty sum of money which eventually to some extent makes some lecturers hardly survive. In contrast, IFL students who always extent their hands for money are mostly under the control of their parents, so they have to ask for permission from their parents if they wish to spend on certain things; otherwise, they will more or less be accused of paying no respect to their parents. However, they do not have to set budget plan for today or tomorrow spending, and they do not have to save any penny for the future, just because of their mobile-bank parents where cashes are always available.
Another obvious variance is the way of dressing. IFL lecturers are required to wear say not really professional clothes. They could choose any kind of clothes they like, but they have to be sure that those are suitable to wear in the name of lecturer. For instance, male lecturers could wear light color strip or non-strip shirts tucking in neatly with dark blue, black, gray or brown trousers, belts and loafers. Differently, IFL students are supposed to wear school uniform in order to be looked equal and normal among all. For example, male students are supposed to wear white or light blue shirts tucking in with black or dark blue trousers, complemented with shoes, or sandals while boots make better, but seriously avoiding flip flops.
However, the biggest difference between IFL lecturers and IFL students is the level of responsibility that they take. Constantly, IFL lecturers have to prepare their lesson plans and have to do extra research before class. In addition, not only the frequent assignments as well as exam papers for students but also the correction of those works do they have to do painstakingly in order to pen accurate score for students. Therefore, lecturers seem to have rarely leisure time even on holiday because the more tasks they oblige to the students, the more tasks they shoulder. Conversely, IFL students do not have to do the lesson plans, but they have to read the book in advance even it is not a command. However, once in a while, students have to meet tight deadline and summit all the tasks assigned, and then at the end of the semester they just have to do deal with their semester examination. Hence, they seem to have much more leisure time than their lecturers so during vocation.

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