Should humans be satisfied with what they have?

Should Humans Be Satisfied With What They Have?

Born with only a set of body, we humans start distinctly adapting to the nature of this lovely world in terms of both physical and mental development. Once seeing this world for the very first time, we simply begin to make ourselves adjust to the environment around already, which later in turn our characteristics as well as our perception are strongly shaped according to the surrounding environment. Regardless races or colour, everybody as a whole starves for best serve, best respect, best privilege, best everything at all time that so just matters everyone’s perspectives in a way that people start to be avaricious. Actually, it is not weird that all men have their own ambition and dreams and plans for the future, but simultaneously they should not pray on something more or something better that go beyond their strength and commitment. Next, we shall see why people should be contented with what they possess, just in alliance with several examples extracted from the story as well as from the real society of today’s world.
To begin with, despite the luck from the God, your own effort authentically limits your success. You cannot just sit in a place, and get a big fortune; and the less you do, the lower result you get, so how dare you demand more than what you can produce. As in the story “The Pearl”, when hearing the news of getting the pearl of Kino, the priest dreamed about sharing this fortune by asking Kino for donating some money for repairing the church and the doctor about sharing some fortune enabling him to go on holiday in Paris. If looked deeper inside the story, the doctor was well off that he could afford a servant and a stone house in the town, so how dared he want more from Kino’s fortune? It was such a terribly selfish, impractical act that goes against morality. Besides this story, this applies to everyday life, too. Regarding this, I would raise up

a case of my uncle. Living in a very comfortable life as of the doctor, this man always wants a lot more and appreciates neither his achievement nor his present life that he eventually gets stuck in severe depression.
Next, desire brings about tragedy. That because people are never fulfilled with what they have usually contributes to the internal conflicts and instability within the society itself. Just as mentioned in the story “The Pearl”, because people are harshly influenced by the evil desire in getting Kino’s pearl, they just simply worry about nothing but what they crave for. They burned Kino’s house; they broke his canoe; four men were murdered; and Coyotitto was shot to death. Similarly, the recent invasion of Thailand to Cambodia would draw a very convincing example. Thailand has an area of as twice as Cambodia’s; she has everything, yet these do not fulfill their satisfaction that they still want our land, which finally just results in the tense of military at the border and the bad out-look from outsides.
Briefly, it can be observed that people who are never satisfied with themselves obtain nothing but suffering, failure and disaster to their lives. Though the nature of humans is greedy, we shall not let it gain a complete control over our consciousness. Personally, I would rather people thought twice about their avarice and were pleased with themselves. Remember, you are satisfied unless nothing stirs up your mind.

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